Hei alle sammen! - Takk for alle de supre bidragene dere leverer inn! - Det gjør det virkelig vanskelig for oss å velge. Kanskje ikke ditt kort ble valgt ut denne gangen, men fortvil ikke - neste gang kanskje det er din tur.
Hi everybody! Thank you for all the beautiful projects you make for us! - It makes it really hard for us to choose winners! Maybe your card didn`t get picked this time, but don`t worry, maybe it`s your turn the next time.
Først av alt skal vi trekke vår BlogHop vinner - tusen takk til dere som deltok!
/ First of all we`ll draw our Bloghop winner - Thank you to those of you that participated!
Vinneren er trukket ved hjelp av Random.org / The winner is draw by Random Org.
And wins 5 digis from Sherri Baldy and this package: 
og vinneren er: / and the winner is:
/ First of all we`ll draw our Bloghop winner - Thank you to those of you that participated!
Vinneren er trukket ved hjelp av Random.org / The winner is draw by Random Org.

og vinneren er: / and the winner is:
Og nr 4 er Mellem - Gratulerer så mye ! - / Congratulations!
Send meg en PM med din adresse og pakke kommer i posten!
Og nå kommer DT`s Topp 3 liste / And now comes the DT`s top 3 list:
DT gratulerer: / the DT congratulates:
Nr 1 VINNER / No 1.WINNER - 3 stk valgfrie* Sherri Baldy digis / 3 pcs Sherri Baldy digis of your choice*.
Her har du et merke til bloggen din hvis du vil ha / Please grab the badge for your blog if you like!
eller denne / or this one:
Nr 2 / No 2
2 stk valgfrie* Sherri Baldy My Besties digis/ 2 pcs Sherri Baldy My Besties digis of your choice*
Nr 3 / No 3
1 stk valgfrie* Sherri Baldy My Besties digis / 1 pcs Sherri Baldy My Besties digis of your choice*.
Her har du et merke til bloggen din hvis du vil ha / Please grab the badge for your blog if you like!
eller denne / or this one
og vår Gjestedesigner til neste utfordring hvis hun vil er:
/ and we have picked one person who will be our Guestdesigner next challenge if she likes
/ and we have picked one person who will be our Guestdesigner next challenge if she likes
and the GD Spot goes to:

Gratulerer så mye jenter - send meg en epost med digivalgene deres. Skriv plassering + Utfordring nr #XX i emnefeltet /
Congratulations Girls - Winners and GD please email me with your digichoices.
Please put your placement + Challenge no #XX in the subject field.
* Digiser av My Besties Norges utvalg / * Digis of the My Besties Norge`s selection.
Bare send inn dine ønsker - jeg har mange av dem. / Just send me your request, I have many of them.
Email adress: post@scraproom.no
(or send a PM on Facebook; Eva Gro Røsok)
Og nå til vår GD - denne gangen fra Bulgaria/
And now to our GD - This time from Bulgaria:
Delyana Karaivanova
Hello Everyone,
I am Delyana born and raised in Bulgaria in city Stara Zagora . I am proud and happy having been asked to be guest designer at «My Besties» Norway.
I'm 47 years old. I have a wonderful son who is the greatest happiness of my life. My profession is a kindergarten teacher and most of the time do other arts - music, dance, painting, sewing, embroidery ... 5 years making cards became my hobby. It brings me a lot of positivity and wonderful emotions. It makes me feel useful when you give away cards for various occasions to friends and acquaintances.
The colors that are most commonly used blue and pink. Like all the techniques, I use stamps stained with alcohol markers and watercolor pencils. I love the cards that do not have many details, but bear beautiful message. I hope to give you my inspiration and make the most wonderful projects. hugs
And now to our GD - This time from Bulgaria:
Delyana Karaivanova
Hello Everyone,
I am Delyana born and raised in Bulgaria in city Stara Zagora . I am proud and happy having been asked to be guest designer at «My Besties» Norway.
I'm 47 years old. I have a wonderful son who is the greatest happiness of my life. My profession is a kindergarten teacher and most of the time do other arts - music, dance, painting, sewing, embroidery ... 5 years making cards became my hobby. It brings me a lot of positivity and wonderful emotions. It makes me feel useful when you give away cards for various occasions to friends and acquaintances.
The colors that are most commonly used blue and pink. Like all the techniques, I use stamps stained with alcohol markers and watercolor pencils. I love the cards that do not have many details, but bear beautiful message. I hope to give you my inspiration and make the most wonderful projects. hugs
Utfordring #26 - / Challenge #26
Tema: Distresse! Sverte eller rive
Theme: distress, tear or smear
Her er litt inspirasjon fra våre flinke DT medlemmer /
Here are som inspiration from our talented DT members.